Living Funerals are, in every way, a heartfelt and warm celebration in advance of death. They are a way of avoiding regrets at not having said what you always meant to say, but you couldn’t or wouldn’t. At a celebration of the person’s life – with the person present – you will be able to share and spend that special designated time with that person…
As a “Celebration of Life” a Living Funeral has a number of advantages, especially when it is known the person will soon die as a result of perhaps a terminal illness. Such a Living Funeral can be arranged to fit the needs of all the family members and friends as well as the relevant person.
Subsequently, they are able to plan and control or influence the celebration so that it becomes a really nice way of saying thank you and perhaps goodbye it allows those around to help celebrate a life.
It is also an excellent way to ensure the ones left behind are not left in the position of isolation as often happens after the loss of a loved one.
A Living Funeral also gives everyone (not just close family) a chance to say intimate heartfelt goodbyes, and to offer well-wishes. A Living Funeral may be a social event and on balance a happy time where the relevant person can acknowledge and thank special friends and associates as well as family members.
A Living Funeral opens up the dialogue of loss and grief and can aid those left behind enabling a drawing closer together.
A Living Funeral does not replace a traditional funeral and nor should it. They both serve separate purposes. Even after a great Living Funeral, there is still a need for ceremony, ritual, closure and to say one last goodbye.