Those of us that have experienced the unconditional love and companionship of a beloved pet also know the heartbreak that comes with their loss. It’s something which will affect most of us at some time, and often when it happens it takes us completely by surprise. A professionally delivered pet funeral ceremony is a perfect way to say goodbye.
Our Pets Deserve a Loving Farewell Too…Our pets are as much a part of the family as anyone, and bring us the same laughter, and comfort as our partners and our children. They teach us many lessons and are an excellent discipline for our young children.
The relationship between people and their animals is a unique and wonderful thing. Any one who has ever had a treasured pet will remember their foibles, their particular personality, their transgressions, their heroisms. Our society has a love affair with our pets that is beneficial to both owner and pet (although cat people will tell you they are the pet and the cat is the owner!)
When a pet dies, especially a child’s pet, the grief for the pet can be quite intense. This may often be the child’s first experience with death and it can present as an opportunity to talk about death to the child and introduce them to the concept of reverent burial. Children and adults benefit emotionally from taking care of their pets body and burying it with love and care.
As a Celebrant I can help your pet cross the rainbow bridge with stories befitting the life you led together, which greatly assists the grieving process and acknowledges the benefits you both received from the relationship.