The most important part of a wedding has to be the ceremony and your vows...the point at which you commit to a lifetime together. Make it memorable
What a truly wonderful decision you have now taken in your commitment to get married; now you need to understand your marriage or civil partnership choices you have in Scotland Choose to be married in a church by a member of the Clergy and sign the legal documents in the church on the wedding day. You will have limited or no scope on how the service will be constructed or delivered! Choose to be married by a member of the Humanist Society and sign the legal documents on the day of the wedding in a select number of venues and again there will be some limitations on how the service is constructed or delivered!
Choose to be married in the registrar’s office or a select number of venues approved by the registrar, you will be married by a council registrar, you sign the legal papers on the day but strictly no mention of God or religious beliefs and there will be again be restrictions on how the service is constructed and delivered!
Choose to be married by Amore Ceremonies and have the ceremony you wish and deserve in any location you want i.e. a beach, by the lake, hotel or maybe the same location the question was popped – the only limitations are your imagination You will have no restrictions in terms of music, readings, symbols, vows, blessings However in order for such a service to take place you have to conduct the legal bit yourself in advance. In other words you and your partner and 2 witnesses go the registrar’s office in advance of your ceremony and have a short 5 minute legal service and sign the marriage papers. You can then now have your chosen ceremony later that day, evening or maybe in the coming days and invite all your guests along to celebrate the wedding that wish and deserve It is after all, Your Voice, Your Choice, Your Ceremony…