One year ago, I conducted my 1st service as an Independent Celebrant and what a year it has been.
Whilst it’s been a strange and turbulent year for all of us, I’d like to concentrate on some positivity the year has brought for myself and Amore Ceremonies. I’ve met some wonderful families, sometimes in their darkest moments filled with grief of a lost one – however we always managed to reminisce of wonderful times spent and shared with their loved ones – children, siblings, parents, relations and sometimes their furry friends. I’ve been entrusted to share some wonderful and hilarious stories and also those stories of love and life. Stories, sometimes of hardship, other times stories of high esteem held for loved ones lost. All of these families placed a great trust in me by doing so and for that I am truly honoured and thank you all. What other positives has the last year held for me? I’ve learned so much and discovered a wonderful path in life. In the early part of 2020, I raised £1,000 for Maggies Forth Valley, a local and wonderful charity helping many families suffering at the cruel hands of cancer. Then I also had the two greatest surprises of 2020, a leap day proposal from my long-term partner Sharon, and of course the winning ways of the Scottish National football team- who could forget that! Here’s to the next year, L'amore vince tutto love conquers all The eight-day Hanukkah celebrations, also known as the Festival of Lights, begin on Thursday 10th December 2020. Here's how you can wish somebody a happy Hanukkah
The annual Hanukkah celebrations begin on Thursday when the Jewish community celebrates a legendary uprising dating back more than 2000 years. The eight-day festival commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem at the time of the Maccabean Revolt, when Jews rose up against Greek-Syrian oppressors. Back in 175 BC the Jewish religion was outlawed by King Antiochus IV Epiphanes, who desecrated the Second Temple in Jerusalem. 10 years later, in 165 BC, a rebellion was led by a priest and his family managed to defeat their oppressors. When they arrived to liberate the temple only one small jug of olive oil could be found to light the menorah. That should only have lasted for one night, but because the menorah burned for eight days, it gave the group enough time to produce a fresh supply of Kosher oil. In celebration of both the miracle and their religious freedom, Jewish sages declared an eight-day celebration. In Hebrew Hanukkah means “dedication” and begins on the 25th of Kislev on the Hebrew calendar. Although the date changes each year, it usually falls in November or December. In 2020, it starts on December 10. Hanukkah is often called the Festival of Lights, and is celebrated by lighting a candle on a menorah each night. The number of lit candles increases each night, starting with one on the first day and going up to all eight burning lit together on the final evening. People also share gifts, traditional foods and games during the festival. Along with other major religious celebrations, there are a number of greetings that are popular and can be used at this time of year. How to wish someone a happy Hanukkah To say ‘Happy Hanukkah’ in Hebrew you can say ‘Hanukkah Sameach’, You can also say ‘Chag Sameach’, which means a more generic ‘Happy Holidays’. Another option is to wish your Jewish friends a ‘happy Festival of Lights’, which in Hebrew is ‘Chag Urim Sameach’. |
Hello, my name is Barry Jess